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New Seminole Hotel & Casino Really Up’s The Experience
Immokalee, Florida has been a popular place to go if you are interested in a gambling trip, but this week news broke of a new hotel opening at the Seminole Casino Immokalee. The hotel officially opened its doors on Thursday. It features 19 suites as well as 80 hotel rooms to… more
The Many Types of Gamblers and Bet Takers Broken Down
A successful gambler makes calculated, positive risks. With any risk, there is always something to lose. In many circumstances, this means you usually stand a chance of losing your money, your time and your reputation. However, these are also the things that are needed for success. The main benefit of… more

Why is Gambling Online is Better than Going to the Casino?
In everyday life things can get a little bit boring and the need to spice it up a little bit should come more often than it usually does. It can be very dull to live on the straight and narrow constantly and not wander off the beaten track slightly and spend… more